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Luna Thandiel



So I recently started playing Dungeons and Dragons (DnD) with a few of my friends and this is my character, Luna. She is currently a level 1 Half-Elf Warlock.

From a young age Luna was interested in magic. She would roam about her home village with her Eladrin friend, _________ leaning magic from all of the local wizards and even a few warlocks.

Over the years she made friends with the local outcast, a warlock named Niera. She was a very dark and sinister elven woman who spent her days cursing the innocents of the village and brewing wicked potions. Luna made a habit visiting Niera multiple times a week, helping her with her potions by fetching ingredients from around the town.

When Luna turned twenty years old she went to visit Niera like she had done for years. She knocked on the door but there was no answer. Puzzled, she slowly pushed the unlocked door open and called out to her friend. The dark, dusty interior seemed more ominous than normal as Luna slowly crept through the door. She called out to Niera again and finally she heard a faint call from Niera's potion closet.

Luna hurried to the closet, stepping inside and piercing around the room. "Foolish girl." the old woman growled from behind. Luna spun around, her eyes locking onto the woman just as she tossed a small vial of liquid at Luna's feet. Swirling lights and smoke spun around the girl and slowly she shrunk into the ten year old body that you see before you.

"What did you do?!" Luna shrieked as she darted towards the woman. Niera vanished from sight, her voice echoing through the room, "It's nothing personal, my dear. I just have a bad habit of being rather... sinister. You should know that by now." Her cackle rang through the shack and Luna ran darted for the door. "Goodbye, my child. Thanks for all of your help." Her voice fizzled and the walls began to shake. Luna jumped through the door as the entire shack came crashing to the ground.

Luna was trapped within the body of a ten year old girl, however she still retained all of her memories of her life. From that day forward Luna was bent on returning her body to its original form and seeking revenge on her former friend.

For six years Luna directed her magic studies towards the curses of the warlock. The best way to understand your enemy, is to become your enemy.
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fryzylstyk's avatar
D'aww you don't know her Eladrin friend's name? Anyway, she's very cute!